We continue our activity to aware young and old people on the sustainable culture

Green day out in Cenate Sotto

Gemels & ESG: ‘We make young and old people aware of a sustainable culture’

In the morning of Saturday 1st October 2022, the fourth Gemels S.p.A. day out aimed at cleaning the green areas of the territory took place in the PLIS of the Argon valleys, Cenate Sotto. Around thirty people, among which also very young children who, happy to participate, made as everyone else their small contribution, took part in the initiative gladly and proudly.

Gemels focuses on the awareness of those topics, especially to involve the new generation, since the today’s choices will affect more and more the future generation, in social and environmental terms.

“We believe in the training of young women and men towards a sustainable business, we train spokespeople who spread this culture and philosophy.” Gemels has always had at heart the sharing of a culture intended to educate the citizens of today and tomorrow, from parents to children, about the respect of the nature that surrounds us.  As well as the environmental aspect, Gemels strongly believes in the teamwork, in the sharing of projects and initiatives and in the respect of others.


We thank Thomas Algeri, Mayor of Cenate Sotto, and his team for their support.