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Also in 2021 Gemels will refund kindergarten costs to employees more

More and more people are hearing about the decline in births and the need to support new families. It is said that “companies are made of people” but, unfortunately, in most cases this idea remains a good principle and struggle to be realized.
On the contrary, at GEMELS S.p.A of Trescore Balneario, leader in the production of industrial parts, the attention at the needs of the collaborators represents an essential aspect. When the company decided to give more support to families with children, it didn’t focus on the decline in births, that is the consequence of a problem, but on the cause that determined it. Thanks to several kaizen (continuous improvement) reunions, the company analyzed this phenomenon to understand the reasons why it happened and in addition it did something to face it.
As a result, the society decided to recognize the costs of kindergarten and nursery schools for each collaborator, mum and dad, for children from 6 months to 6 years old, up to 12 thousand euros per year for each family.
Considering that the average age of the staff is 32 years, it is certainly not a usual procedure, and who participated to the discussion about the kindergarten and nursery school with the welfare team can ensure the determination with which it operated.
To distinguish this reality is a philosophy out of the box and hard to be understood by those who do not live it. Certainly, however, when customers visit it, they perceive something original, a different environment from that of other places of work. Appreciating its atmosphere, many people say… there are no words to describe it.
The logic of Gemels answers to current needs, but it also looks at the future. Nowadays, we need and we will need more and more specialized people, the degree and the master won’t be sufficient. The world changes quickly, for this reason, even courses and continuing education beyond school won’t be enough, but it will be essential to preserve those who work within a company and, furthermore, try to attract collaborators’ children and the children of their children.
Knowing the business philosophy and the experience of Gemels during the years, they will have the possibility to take advantage from this, they may pass on its culture and values, as if feeding something that can never be extinguished but only increased (honesty, culture, preparation, ability and courage).
Business world is marked by precariousness and instability, many people frequently change their job, while Gemels believes that companies with a certain ability and vision will be able to change with an increasing frequency and to adapt to the people who work in it, evolving and developing new tasks.
The value that Gemels gives to its people is a value of crucial importance: they are the heart and the mind of the company. Every effort is therefore aimed at holding them and their children.
Graduate and then not find work? Brain leaks? Social dumping? For Gemels they existed 15 years ago. And it breaks a spear in support of parents and guys who make sacrifices to pursue university studies: for the company of Bergamo this is the right strategy.